Helping You Understand Dentures

If you have missing teeth, your dentist (usually a prosthodontist) will most likely recommend dentures because they are the most affordable, most popular and most non-invasive treatment option for missing teeth. Other options include dental bridges and dental implants, which may, in most cases, require surgery. Because of the level of invasiveness of these alternative forms of missing teeth treatments, you may find that a dentist will perform various tests to find out whether you are a good candidate for them. [Read More]

Is It Possible to Be Allergic to Invisalign?

You can be allergic to practically anything, no matter how common it might be. Just ask the poor people who are allergic to things such as coins, sunlight, or even water. Some people might only discover an allergy when they happen to come into contact with the allergen in question. So what are the odds of being allergic to Invisalign? Incredibly Unlikely to Happen Yes, it's possible to be allergic to your Invisalign aligners. [Read More]

Why You May Want To Book A Laser Teeth Whitening Session

The rising popularity of teeth whitening treatments can be observed on practically all social media platforms, through various magazine spreads and even on TV adverts. To many Australians, the brightness of a smile is closely associated with attractiveness; therefore, having a porcelain-bright dentition is worth the teeth whitening treatment investment. Most Australians interested in teeth whitening seem to have been charmed by the DIY treatment options — over 50% of Australians who whitened their teeth in 2018 chose to do it at home with self-applicable kits. [Read More]

4 Reasons You May Need an After-Hours Dentist

Regular dental visits are critical to your overall health. They allow your dentist to identify any oral problems you may have and provide treatment in good time. However, you may not always have the luxury of seeing your dentist in their normal working hours. Whether it's due to an overbearing work schedule or an emergency dental problem, at one point or another, you might need an after-hours dentist.  Here are 4 reasons you might need an after-hours dentist. [Read More]